Prioritas utama desa ini ialah berternak. bisa memiliki 16 ternak & 10 ayam tapi lahan untuk bercocok tanam yg sempit
Dengan feature baru kita bisa puas bermain dengan ternak & pets kita.
bahkan kita bisa membuat taman bermain untuk anjing & kucing kita. namun untuk membukanya butuh waktu.
antara tahun 2 - tahun 3
bahkan kita bisa membuat taman bermain untuk anjing & kucing kita. namun untuk membukanya butuh waktu.
antara tahun 2 - tahun 3
Prioritas utama desa ini ialaha bercocok tanam.
bisa menanam dilahan yg luas tapi hanya mampu memiliki 4 ternak & 2 ayam
Prioritas utama desa ini ialaha bercocok tanam.
bisa menanam dilahan yg luas tapi hanya mampu memiliki 4 ternak & 2 ayam
Dengan feature baru kita bisa lebih mudah menyiram tanaman.
hanya perlu membuat alur tanam. sekali siram semua tanaman yg ada di alur tersiram
hanya perlu membuat alur tanam. sekali siram semua tanaman yg ada di alur tersiram
Features in Games
Bisa nganter pulang dengan cepat saat kita ada di puncak gunung. caranya. saat tiba dipuncak. berdirilah di tepi lalu pilih desa mana
Sama kayak domba. bulunya bisa dicukur & dijual. dan bisa untuk membuat baju
Sama kayak domba. bulunya bisa dicukur & dijual. dan bisa untuk membuat baju
Memproduksi Madu. caranya dengan memasukkan "Honey comb" ke kotak
Memproduksi Madu. caranya dengan memasukkan "Honey comb" ke kotak
Kalo yang suka maen curang bisa juga pakai cheat berikut ini
Game ID : BKUE – C2EEB6D1
credits to cheatb0t
!Misc Codes ::Max Money :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 0204FCB8 3B9AC9FF D2000000 00000000 ::Stamina Never Decrease DA000000 0203D48C D7000000 0203D48A D2000000 00000000 ::Infinite Water Can 2203D446 00000014 ::Moon Jump :::Press B 94000130 FFFD0000 020526A0 00000100 D2000000 00000000 !Harvest Related ::Instant Harvest :::Tested on crops, not sure about flowers 520E77B0 E3500001 020E77B4 E1A00000 D0000000 00000000 ::Soil Always Fertile aka Max Star when Harvest E2000210 00000010 E3A0007F E5C1000D E591000C EA0396D1 520E5D60 E597102C 020E5D64 EAFC6929 D2000000 00000000 ::Infinite Harvest of Crops by Holding L :::You must be able to harvest to use it. Tested on crops, not sure about flowers 520E77F4 E592100C 020E77F8 E3C11001 94000130 FDFF0000 020E77F8 E1A00000 D2000000 00000000
!Location and Menu Modifier ::Everywhere is Storage :::Press Select + L 94000130 FDFB0000 120526F4 00000044 D2000000 00000000 ::Location Modifier :::Select + Left = Left Village, Select + Right = Right Village, Select + Up = Mountain Top 94000130 FFDB0000 92186102 00000010 22188EC4 00000014 12186102 0000002F D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFEB0000 92186102 00000010 22188EC4 00000000 12186102 0000002F D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFBB0000 92186102 00000010 22188EC4 0000000D 12186102 0000002F D2000000 00000000 time modifer Press Select + L = On, Press Select + R = Off Freeze Time 94000130 FEFB0000 020E4B10 02800001 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FDFB0000 020E4B10 02800000 D2000000 00000000 06.00 94000130 FFFB0000 22041BE7 00000006 22041BE8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 12.00 94000130 FFFB0000 22041BE7 0000000C 22041BE8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 18.00 94000130 FFFB0000 22041BE7 00000012 22041BE8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 23.00 94000130 FFFB0000 22041BE7 00000017 22041BE8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 :Animal Affection Multiplier :::Do not use the multipliers if affection is at max level :::instructions on dcmbrnite's comment ::2 520E2F18 98BD8038 020E2F1C E0840080 D0000000 00000000 ::4 520E2F18 98BD8038 020E2F1C E0840100 D0000000 00000000 ::8 520E2F18 98BD8038 020E2F1C E0840180 D0000000 00000000 ::16 520E2F18 98BD8038 020E2F1C E0840200 D0000000 00000000 ::32 520E2F18 98BD8038 020E2F1C E0840280 D0000000 00000000 ::64 520E2F18 98BD8038 020E2F1C E0840300 D0000000 00000000 ::128 520E2F18 98BD8038 020E2F1C E0840380 D0000000 00000000 :Villager Affection Multiplier ::2 02000200 E1A05085 02000204 E1D420B0 02000208 EA047C80 5211F404 EBFBA6F2 0211F40C EAFB837B D2000000 00000000 ::4 02000200 E1A05105 02000204 E1D420B0 02000208 EA047C80 5211F404 EBFBA6F2 0211F40C EAFB837B D2000000 00000000 ::8 02000200 E1A05185 02000204 E1D420B0 02000208 EA047C80 5211F404 EBFBA6F2 0211F40C EAFB837B D2000000 00000000 ::16 02000200 E1A05205 02000204 E1D420B0 02000208 EA047C80 5211F404 EBFBA6F2 0211F40C EAFB837B D2000000 00000000 ::32 02000200 E1A05285 02000204 E1D420B0 02000208 EA047C80 5211F404 EBFBA6F2 0211F40C EAFB837B D2000000 00000000 ::64 02000200 E1A05305 02000204 E1D420B0 02000208 EA047C80 5211F404 EBFBA6F2 0211F40C EAFB837B D2000000 00000000 ::128 02000200 E1A05385 02000204 E1D420B0 02000208 EA047C80 5211F404 EBFBA6F2 0211F40C EAFB837B D2000000 00000000 !Villager Affection Modifier ::1 Flower :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000001E 12040860 00000000 DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000 ::2 Flowers for Affection :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000001E 12040860 00002711 DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000 ::3 Flowers for Affection :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000001E 12040860 00004E21 DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000 ::4 Flowers for Affection :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000001E 12040860 00007531 DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000 ::5 Flowers for Affection :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000001E 12040860 00009C41 DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000 ::6 Flowers for Affection :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000001E 12040860 0000C351 DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000 ::7 Flowers/Max Bloom for Affection :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000001E 12040860 0000EA61 DC000000 00000014 D2000000 00000000
!Bachelors Favorite Gift Codes (Slot 1 – Slot 6)
:::Press Select
::Slot 1 Doria (Ash)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D8A4 00000091
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 2 Tom Yum Goong (Cam)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D8D4 0000003A
2204D8D6 00000088
2204D8DE 00000063
2204D8DF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 3 Cream Croquette (Dirk)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D904 00000057
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 4 Gratin (Hiro)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D934 0000008C
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 5 Spicy Curry (Kana)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D964 00000098
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 6 Boiled Tofu (Mikhail)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D994 00000076
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
!Bachelorettes Favorite Gift Codes (Slot 1 – Slot 6)
:::Press Select
::Slot 1 Ice Cream (Alisa)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D8A4 000000E2
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 2 Fried Rice (Georgia)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D8D4 000000B1
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 3 Cherry Pie (Laney)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D904 00000108
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 4 Mixed Rice (Nori)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D934 000000B2
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 5 White Alpaca Wool (The Oracle)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D964 0000022B
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
::Slot 6 Tofu Salad (Reina)
94000130 FFFB0000
1204D994 00000023
2204D8A6 00000088
2204D8AE 00000063
2204D8AF 000000FF
D2000000 00000000
!Time Codes
::Time Hour Cycler (Resets the current minute)
:::Select+Up=Increase, Select+Down=Decrease
94000130 FFBB0000
74000100 FF00000C
22041BE8 00000000
DB000000 02041BE7
D4000000 00000001
D8000000 02041BE7
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF7B0000
74000100 FF00000C
22041BE8 00000000
DB000000 02041BE7
D8000000 02041BE7
D2000000 00000000
::Time Cycler (Only Hour Increase, Minutes remain the same)
:::Select+Up=Increase, Select+Down=Decrease
94000130 FFBB0000
74000100 FF00000C
DB000000 02041BE7
D4000000 00000001
D8000000 02041BE7
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FF7B0000
74000100 FF00000C
DB000000 02041BE7
D8000000 02041BE7
D2000000 00000000
::Increase Time (Minutes)
:::Press Select+R
94000130 FEFB0000
74000100 FF000015
D9000000 02041BE8
D4000000 00000001
D6000000 02041BE8
D2000000 00000000
::Decrease Time (Minutes)
:::Press Select+L
94000130 FDFB0000
74000100 FF000015
D9000000 02041BE8
D6000000 02041BE8
D2000000 00000000
Bag Slot 1 Item Modifier
94000130 fffb0000 // press select
1204d8a4 00000xxx // replace with itemID
d2000000 00000000
using this code it will inherit the quantity , quality (star) and freshness of the previous item
never never change an item with star rating to equipment
Bag Slot 1 Quantity Modifier
94000130 fffb0000 // press select
2204d8ae 000000xx // replace with the amount you desire with hex values (01 = 1, 0a = 10 , 32 = 50, 63 = 99)
d2000000 00000000
Bag Slot 1 Freshness Modifier
94000130 fffb0000 // press select
2204d8a6 00000006 // replace with the amount you desire with hex values (00-FF)
d2000000 00000000
Bag Slot 1 Star Rating Modifier
94000130 fffb0000 // press select
2204d8af 000000xx // replace with the amount you desire with hex values (00-FF)
d2000000 00000000
0 - 0000 - Nothing
1 - 0001 - Blue Feather
2 - 0002 - Gift Box: Red
3 - 0003 - Gift Box: Blue
4 - 0004 - Gift Box: Yellow
5 - 0005 - Konohana Outfit ( Male )
6 - 0006 - Bluebell Outfit ( Male )
7 - 0007 - Work Outfit ( Male )
8 - 0008 - Casual Outfit ( Male )
9 - 0009 - Urban Outfit ( Male )
10 - 000A - Classy Outfit ( Male )
11 - 000B - Wild Outfit ( Male )
12 - 000C - Konohana Outfit ( Female )
13 - 000D - Bluebell Outfit ( Female )
14 - 000E - Work Outfit ( Female )
15 - 000F - Casual Outfit ( Female )
16 - 0010 - Hip Outfit ( Female )
17 - 0011 - Classy Outfit ( Female )
18 - 0012 - Cute Outfit ( Female )
19 - 0013 - Delivery Cart
20 - 0014 - Picture 1
21 - 0015 - Picture 2
22 - 0016 - Picture 3
23 - 0017 - Dummy 5
24 - 0018 - Failed Dish
25 - 0019 - Turnip Salad
26 - 001A - Tomato Salad
27 - 001B - Onion Salad
28 - 001C - Potato Salad
29 - 001D - Herb Salad
30 - 001E - Caprese Salad
31 - 001F - Mimosa Salad
32 - 0020 - Boiled Spinach
33 - 0021 - Asazuke
34 - 0022 - Cucumber Namul
35 - 0023 - Tofu Salad
36 - 0024 - Pasta Salad
37 - 0025 - Daikon Salad
38 - 0026 - Mixed Salad
39 - 0027 - Dummy 6
40 - 0028 - Dummy 7
41 - 0029 - Dummy 8
42 - 002A - Dummy 9
43 - 002B - Dummy 10
44 - 002C - Vichyssoise
45 - 002D - Gazpacho
46 - 002E - Bouillabaise
47 - 002F - Corn Soup
48 - 0030 - Onion Soup
49 - 0031 - Pumpkin Soup
50 - 0032 - Soy Milk
51 - 0033 - Miso Soup
52 - 0034 - Herb Soup
53 - 0035 - Asparagus Soup
54 - 0036 - Radish Soup
55 - 0037 - Egg Soup
56 - 0038 - Soybean Soup
57 - 0039 - Shark Fin Soup
58 - 003A - Tom Yum Goong
59 - 003B - Pho
60 - 003C - Dummy 11
61 - 003D - Dummy 12
62 - 003E - Dummy 13
63 - 003F - Dummy 14
64 - 0040 - Dummy 15
65 - 0041 - Sauteed Turnips
66 - 0042 - French Fries
67 - 0043 - Potato Pancakes
68 - 0044 - Hash Browns
69 - 0045 - Boiled Potato
70 - 0046 - Cabbage Rolls
71 - 0047 - Popcorn
72 - 0048 - Corn Cereal
73 - 0049 - Boiled Egg
74 - 004A - Fried Egg
75 - 004B - Roasted Mushroom
76 - 004C - Steamed Mushroom
77 - 004D - Sandwich
78 - 004E - Herb Sandwich
79 - 004F - Fruit Sandwich
80 - 0050 - Raisin Bread
81 - 0051 - Jelly Bread
82 - 0052 - Curry Bread
83 - 0053 - Toast
84 - 0054 - French Toast
85 - 0055 - Butter Roll
86 - 0056 - Croquette
87 - 0057 - Cream Croquette
88 - 0058 - Cheese Croquette
89 - 0059 - Foccacia
90 - 005A - Quiche
91 - 005B - Galette
92 - 005C - Fish and Chips
93 - 005D - Honey Toast
94 - 005E - Canape
95 - 005F - Arancini
96 - 0060 - Dolma
97 - 0061 - Roasted Corn
98 - 0062 - Miso Eggplant
99 - 0063 - Roasted Eggplant
100 - 0064 - Baked Yam
101 - 0065 - Egg Custard
102 - 0066 - Sashimi
103 - 0067 - Fish Paste
104 - 0068 - Vegetable Stir Fry
105 - 0069 - Chop Suey
106 - 006A - Steamed Dumpling
107 - 006B - Pot Sticker
108 - 006C - Chinese Dumpling
109 - 006D - Curry Dumpling
110 - 006E - Cheese Dumpling
111 - 006F - Tempura
112 - 0070 - Spring Roll
113 - 0071 - Tofu
114 - 0072 - Okara
115 - 0073 - Fried Tofu
116 - 0074 - Deep-fried Tofu
117 - 0075 - Dried Tofu
118 - 0076 - Boiled Tofu
119 - 0077 - Cold Tofu
120 - 0078 - Yuba Tofu
121 - 0079 - Dashi Egg
122 - 007A - Simmered Potato
123 - 007B - Boiled Pumpkin
124 - 007C - Ganmodoki
125 - 007D - Boiled Daikon
126 - 007E - Shredded Daikon
127 - 007F - Tuna Yukhoe
128 - 0080 - Tteokbokki
129 - 0081 - Dummy 16
130 - 0082 - Dummy 17
131 - 0083 - Dummy 18
132 - 0084 - Dummy 19
133 - 0085 - Dummy 20
134 - 0086 - Omelet
135 - 0087 - Omelet Rice
136 - 0088 - Cheese Fondue
137 - 0089 - Tomato Fondue
138 - 008A - Pink Fondue
139 - 008B - Raclette
140 - 008C - Gratin
141 - 008D - Pizza
142 - 008E - Meuniere
143 - 008F - Marinated Fish
144 - 0090 - Risotto
145 - 0091 - Doria
146 - 0092 - Farmers Breakfast
147 - 0093 - Macaroni & Cheese
148 - 0094 - Penne Pasta
149 - 0095 - Dry Curry
150 - 0096 - Curry Rice
151 - 0097 - Vegetable Curry
152 - 0098 - Spicy Curry
153 - 0099 - Seaweed Curry
154 - 009A - Milk Curry
155 - 009B - Rainbow Curry
156 - 009C - Ultimate Curry
157 - 009D - Supreme Curry
158 - 009E - Sapghetti
159 - 009F - Mushroom Pasta
160 - 00A0 - Paella
161 - 00A1 - Stew
162 - 00A2 - Herb Spaghetti
163 - 00A3 - Spaghetti Soup
164 - 00A4 - Lasagna
165 - 00A5 - Pizzoccheri
166 - 00A6 - Moussaka
167 - 00A7 - Tofu Burger
168 - 00A8 - Egg Rice
169 - 00A9 - Egg Rice Bowl
170 - 00AA - Sushi
171 - 00AB - Sushi Bowl
172 - 00AC - Grilled Fish
173 - 00AD - Fish Stew
174 - 00AE - Rice Ball
175 - 00AF - Grilled Rice ball
176 - 00B0 - Rice Porridge
177 - 00B1 - Fried Rice
178 - 00B2 - Mixed Rice
179 - 00B3 - Mushroom Rice
180 - 00B4 - Shimeji Rice
181 - 00B5 - Tempura Bowl
182 - 00B6 - Inari Sushi
183 - 00B7 - Okonomiyaki
184 - 00B8 - Udon Noodles
185 - 00B9 - Kitsune Udon
186 - 00BA - Tempura Udon
187 - 00BB - Fried Udon
188 - 00BC - Cold Soba Noodles
189 - 00BD - Tempura Soba
190 - 00BE - Yakisoba
191 - 00BF - Tofu Steak
192 - 00C0 - Fried Rice Noodles
193 - 00C1 - Chestnut Rice
194 - 00C2 - Natto Rice
195 - 00C3 - Bamboo Shoot Rice
196 - 00C4 - Milk Stew
197 - 00C5 - Natto Roll
198 - 00C6 - Kappa Roll
199 - 00C7 - Tekka Roll
200 - 00C8 - Oshinko Roll
201 - 00C9 - Soy Milk Stw
202 - 00CA - Kimchi Stew
203 - 00CB - Crab Stew
204 - 00CC - Crab Omelet
205 - 00CD - Oden
206 - 00CE - Bibimbap
207 - 00CF - Dummy 21
208 - 00D0 - Dummy 22
209 - 00D1 - Dummy 23
210 - 00D2 - Dummy 24
211 - 00D3 - Dummy 25
212 - 00D4 - Yam Desert
213 - 00D5 - Pumpkin Pudding
214 - 00D6 - Chocolate Banana
215 - 00D7 - Stewed Apple
216 - 00D8 - Apple Pie
217 - 00D9 - Pineapple Pie
218 - 00DA - Strawberry Pie
219 - 00DB - Sponge Cake
220 - 00DC - Pudding
221 - 00DD - Cheesecake
222 - 00DE - Pancake
223 - 00DF - Donuts
224 - 00E0 - Cookies
225 - 00E1 - Chocolafe Cookies
226 - 00E2 - Ice Cream
227 - 00E3 - Cake
228 - 00E4 - Honey Cake
229 - 00E5 - Chocolate Cake
230 - 00E6 - Party Cake
231 - 00E7 - Chocolate Party Cake
232 - 00E8 - Party Cheesecake
233 - 00E9 - Chocolate Fondue
234 - 00EA - Trifle
235 - 00EB - Baumkuchen
236 - 00EC - Churros
237 - 00ED - Mont Blanc
238 - 00EE - Scone
239 - 00EF - Choco. Ice Cream
240 - 00F0 - Strawb. Ice Cream
241 - 00F1 - Matcha Ice Cream
242 - 00F2 - Choc. Sponge Cake
243 - 00F3 - Chocolate Donuts
244 - 00F4 - Chocolate Pudding
245 - 00F5 - Fondant Chocolate
246 - 00F6 - Fruit Parfait
247 - 00F7 - Soft Chocolates
248 - 00F8 - Strawb. Soft Choc.
249 - 00F9 - Matcha Soft Choc.
250 - 00FA - Tiramisu
251 - 00FB - Rice Pudding
252 - 00FC - Honey Pudding
253 - 00FD - Soy Milk Pudding
254 - 00FE - Egg Tart
255 - 00FF - Strawberry Candy
256 - 0100 - Sweet Dumplings
257 - 0101 - Bamboo Dumpling
258 - 0102 - Fruit Shiratama
259 - 0103 - Chestnut Bun
260 - 0104 - Green Rice Candy
261 - 0105 - Soba Dumplings
262 - 0106 - Soybean Rice Candy
263 - 0107 - Almond Tofu
264 - 0108 - Cherry Pie
265 - 0109 - 3 Color Dumplings
266 - 010A - Dummy 26
267 - 010B - Dummy 27
268 - 010C - Dummy 28
269 - 010D - Dummy 29
270 - 010E - Dummy 30
271 - 010F - Cooked Rice
272 - 0110 - Bread
273 - 0111 - Apple Jam
274 - 0112 - Strawberry Jam
275 - 0113 - Grape Jam
276 - 0114 - Blueberry Jam
277 - 0115 - Straight Tea
278 - 0116 - Herb Tea
279 - 0117 - Honey Tea
280 - 0118 - Rose Tea
281 - 0119 - Milk Tea
282 - 011A - Royal Milk Tea
283 - 011B - Russian Tea
284 - 011C - Spring Tea
285 - 011D - Summer Tea
286 - 011E - Fall Tea
287 - 011F - Gold Tea
288 - 0120 - Hot Coffee
289 - 0121 - Cafe au Lait
290 - 0122 - Cappuchino
291 - 0123 - Hot Milk
292 - 0124 - Hot Chocolate
293 - 0125 - Honey Shake
294 - 0126 - Yoghurt Shake
295 - 0127 - Green Tea
296 - 0128 - Matcha Tea
297 - 0129 - Sencha Tea
298 - 012A - Puer Tea
299 - 012B - Oolong Tea
300 - 012C - Buckwheat Tea
301 - 012D - Ginseng Tea
302 - 012E - Peach Juice
303 - 012F - Banana Juice
304 - 0130 - Apple Juice
305 - 0131 - Mandarin Juice
306 - 0132 - Mixed Juice
307 - 0133 - Mixed Smoothie
308 - 0134 - Plum Juice
309 - 0135 - Plum Wine ( Glass )
310 - 0136 - Apricot Wine ( Gls )
311 - 0137 - Sangria
312 - 0138 - Red Wine ( Glass )
313 - 0139 - Chicha ( Glass )
314 - 013A - Beer ( Glass )
315 - 013B - Honey Wine ( Glass )
316 - 013C - Chestnut Wine ( Glass )
317 - 013D - Spring Wine ( Glass )
318 - 013E - Summer Wine ( Glass )
319 - 013F - Fall Wine ( Glass )
320 - 0140 - 4 Seasons Wine ( Glass )
321 - 0141 - Fruit Wine ( Glass )
322 - 0142 - Rose Wine ( Glass )
323 - 0143 - Dummy 33
324 - 0144 - Dummy 34
325 - 0145 - Dummy 35
326 - 0146 - Cheese
327 - 0147 - Good Cheese
328 - 0148 - Great Cheese
329 - 0149 - Herb Cheese
330 - 014A - Good Herb Cheese
331 - 014B - Great Herb Cheese
332 - 014C - Yoghurt
333 - 014D - Good Yoghurt
334 - 014E - Great Yoghurt
335 - 014F - Fruit Yoghurt
336 - 0150 - Good Fruit Yoghurt
337 - 0151 - Great Fruit Yoghurt
338 - 0152 - Butter
339 - 0153 - Good Butter
340 - 0154 - Great Butter
341 - 0155 - Herb Butter
342 - 0156 - Good Herb Butter
343 - 0157 - Great Herb Butter
344 - 0158 - Mayonaise
345 - 0159 - Good Mayonaise
346 - 015A - Great Mayonaise
347 - 015B - Herb Mayonaise
348 - 015C - Good Herb Mayo
349 - 015E - Great Herb Mayo
350 - 015D - Chocolate Pack
351 - 015F - Miso
352 - 0160 - Natto
353 - 0161 - Dummy 36
354 - 0162 - Dummy 37
355 - 0163 - Dummy 38
356 - 0164 - Dummy 39
357 - 0165 - Dummy 40
358 - 0166 - Red Wine
359 - 0167 - Chicha
360 - 0168 - Honey Wine
361 - 0169 - Chestnut Wine
362 - 016A - Plum Wine
363 - 016B - Apricot Wine
364 - 016C - Fruit Wine
365 - 016D - Rose Wine
366 - 016E - Spring Wine
367 - 016F - Summer Wine
368 - 0170 - Fall Wine
369 - 0171 - Four Seasons Wine
370 - 0172 - Beer
371 - 0173 - Green Tea (Can)
372 - 0174 - Matcha Tea (Can)
373 - 0175 - Sencha Tea (Can)
374 - 0176 - Puer Tea (Can)
375 - 0177 - Oolong Tea (Can)
376 - 0178 - Buckwheat Tea (Can)
377 - 0179 - Ginseng Tea (Can)
378 - 017A - Black Tea (Can)
379 - 017B - Herb Tea (Can)
380 - 017C - Rose Tea (Can)
381 - 017D - Spring Tea (Can)
382 - 017E - Summer Tea (Can)
383 - 017F - Fall Tea (Can)
384 - 0180 - Gold Tea (Can)
385 - 0181 - Coffe Pack
386 - 0182 - Cocoa Pack
387 - 0183 - Dummy 41
388 - 0184 - Dummy 42
389 - 0185 - Dummy 43
390 - 0186 - Dummy 44
391 - 0187 - Dummy 45
392 - 0188 - Pickled Cucumber
393 - 0189 - Pickled Onion
394 - 018A - Pickled Carrot
395 - 018B - Pickled Radish
396 - 018C - Mixed Pickles
397 - 018D - Cured Turnip
398 - 018E - Cured Cucumber
399 - 018F - Cured Watermelon
400 - 0190 - Cured Eggplant
401 - 0191 - Cured Daikon
402 - 0192 - Cured Bok Choy
403 - 0193 - Cured Veggie Mix
404 - 0194 - Cabbage Kimchi
405 - 0195 - Cucumber Kimchi
406 - 0196 - Daikon Kimchi
407 - 0197 - Bok Choy Kimchi
408 - 0198 - Mixed Kimchi
409 - 0199 - Umeboshi
410 - 019A - Dummy 46
411 - 019B - Dummy 47
412 - 019C - Dummy 48
413 - 019D - Dummy 49
414 - 019E - Dummy 50
415 - 019F - Yarn Ball
416 - 01A0 - Suffolk Yarn Ball
417 - 01A1 - Great Yarn Ball
418 - 01A2 - White Alpaca Yarn
419 - 01A3 - Brown Alpaca Yarn
420 - 01A4 - Dummy 51
421 - 01A5 - Dummy 52
422 - 01A6 - Dummy 53
423 - 01A7 - Dummy 54
424 - 01A8 - Dummy 55
425 - 01A9 - Dummy 56
426 - 01AA - Dummy 57
427 - 01AB - Rice
428 - 01AC - Flour
429 - 01AD - Bread Crumbs
430 - 01AE - Rice Flour
431 - 01AF - Soy Flour
432 - 01B0 - Buckwheat Flour
433 - 01B1 - Shiratama Flour
434 - 01B2 - Dummy 58
435 - 01B3 - Dummy 59
436 - 01B4 - Dummy 60
437 - 01B5 - Dummy 61
438 - 01B6 - Dummy 62
439 - 01B7 - Honey
440 - 01B8 - Royal Jelly
441 - 01B9 - Spring Honey
442 - 01BA - Summer Honey
443 - 01BB - Fall Honey
444 - 01BC - Fruit Honey
445 - 01BD - Rose Honey
446 - 01BE - Dummy 63
447 - 01BF - Dummy 64
448 - 01C0 - Dummy 65
449 - 01C1 - Dummy 66
450 - 01C2 - Dummy 67
451 - 01C3 - Dummy 68
452 - 01C4 - Oil
453 - 01C5 - Curry Powder
454 - 01C6 - Chilli Pepper
455 - 01C7 - Edamame
456 - 01C8 - Rice Candy
457 - 01C9 - Sea Urchin
458 - 01CA - Seaweed
459 - 01CB - Truffle
460 - 01CC - Dummy 69
461 - 01CD - Dummy 70
462 - 01CE - Dummy 71
463 - 01CF - Red Boquet
464 - 01D0 - White Boquet
465 - 01D1 - Blue Boquet
466 - 01D2 - Sunflower Boquet
467 - 01D3 - Casablanca Boquet
468 - 01D4 - Colorful Boquet
469 - 01D5 - Dummy 72
470 - 01D6 - Dummy 73
471 - 01D7 - Dummy 74
472 - 01D8 - Rose Perfume
473 - 01D9 - Citrus Perfume
474 - 01DA - Herb Perfume
475 - 01DB - Flower Perfume
476 - 01DC - Ocean Perfume
477 - 01DD - Pumpkin Perfume
478 - 01DE - Snow Perfume
479 - 01DF - Dummy 75
480 - 01E0 - Dummy 76
481 - 01E1 - Dummy 77
482 - 01E2 - Dummy 78
483 - 01E3 - Dummy 79
484 - 01E4 - Stamina Booster
485 - 01E5 - Stamina Saver
486 - 01E6 - Angler's Dream
487 - 01E7 - Night Vision
488 - 01E8 - Feline Friend
489 - 01E9 - Canine Companion
490 - 01EA - Dummy 116
491 - 01EB - Alpaca Pal
492 - 01EC - Wild Animal Friend
493 - 01ED - Dummy 117
494 - 01EE - Dummy 118
495 - 01EF - Dummy 119
496 - 01F0 - Dummy 120
497 - 01F1 - Dummy 121
498 - 01F2 - Turnip
499 - 01F3 - Potato
500 - 01F4 - Cabbage
501 - 01F5 - Cucumber
502 - 01F6 - Asparagus
503 - 01F7 - Strawberry
504 - 01F8 - Tomato
505 - 01F9 - Corn
506 - 01FA - Onion
507 - 01FB - Watermelon
508 - 01FC - Pineapple
509 - 01FD - Pumpkin
510 - 01FE - Radish
511 - 01FF - Eggplant
512 - 0200 - Carrot
513 - 0201 - Yam
514 - 0202 - Green Pepper
515 - 0203 - Spinach
516 - 0204 - Daikon
517 - 0205 - Bok Choy
518 - 0206 - Pink Rose
519 - 0207 - Marguerite
520 - 0208 - Carnation
521 - 0209 - Casablanca
522 - 020A - Red Rose
523 - 020B - Sunflower
524 - 020C - Nadeshiko
525 - 020D - Gerbera
526 - 020E - White Rose
527 - 020F - Snowdrop
528 - 0210 - Gentian
529 - 0211 - Blue Rose
530 - 0212 - Wheat
531 - 0213 - Rice Stalk
532 - 0214 - Buckwheat
533 - 0215 - Soybean
534 - 0216 - Coffee Beans
535 - 0217 - Cherry
536 - 0218 - Peach
537 - 0219 - Banana
538 - 021A - Grapes
539 - 021B - Apple
540 - 021C - Mandarin
541 - 021D - Cocoa
542 - 021E - Spring Tea Leaves
543 - 021F - Summer Tea Leaves
544 - 0220 - Fall Tea Leaves
545 - 0221 - Fodder
546 - 0222 - Milk
547 - 0223 - Jersey Milk
548 - 0224 - Golden Milk
549 - 0225 - Egg
550 - 0226 - Black Egg
551 - 0227 - Golden Egg
552 - 0228 - Wool
553 - 0229 - Good Wool
554 - 022A - Great Wool
555 - 022B - White Alpaca Wool
556 - 022C - Brown Alpaca Wool
557 - 022D - Dummy 83
558 - 022E - Dummy 84
559 - 022F - Dummy 85
560 - 0230 - Dummy 86
561 - 0231 - Dummy 87
562 - 0232 - Snowball
563 - 0233 - Weed
564 - 0234 - Rock
565 - 0235 - Material Stone
566 - 0236 - Branch
567 - 0237 - Lumber
568 - 0238 - Moondrop Flower
569 - 0239 - Magic Blue Flower
570 - 023A - Magic Red Flower
571 - 023B - Bamboo
572 - 023C - Elli Leaves
573 - 023D - Chestnut
574 - 023E - Walnut
575 - 023F - Blueberry
576 - 0240 - Plum
577 - 0241 - Apricot
578 - 0242 - Bamboo Shoot
579 - 0243 - Shimeji
580 - 0244 - Shiitake
581 - 0245 - Trumpet Mushroom
582 - 0246 - Coral Mushroom
583 - 0247 - Brown Mushroom
584 - 0248 - Poison Mushroom
585 - 0249 - Mint
586 - 024A - Chamomile
587 - 024B - Lavender
588 - 024C - Honeycomb
589 - 024D - Small Coin
590 - 024E - Adamantite
591 - 024F - Amethyst
592 - 0250 - Emerald
593 - 0251 - Orichalcum
594 - 0252 - Gold
595 - 0253 - Silver
596 - 0254 - Copper
597 - 0255 - Scrap Metal
598 - 0256 - Sandrose
599 - 0257 - Diamond
600 - 0258 - Topaz
601 - 0259 - Pink Diamond
602 - 025A - Peridot
603 - 025B - Fluorite
604 - 025C - Mithril
605 - 025D - Moon Stone
606 - 025E - Agate
607 - 025F - Ruby
608 - 0260 - Jade
609 - 0261 - Stone Tablet
610 - 0262 - Mythic Stone
611 - 0263 - Ore Stone
612 - 0264 - Dummy 88
613 - 0265 - Dummy 89
614 - 0266 - Dummy 90
615 - 0267 - Dummy 91
616 - 0268 - Dummy 92
617 - 0269 - Brown Cicada
618 - 026A - Kaempfer Cicada
619 - 026B - Spring Cicada
620 - 026C - Princess Cicada
621 - 026D - Grass Cicada
622 - 026E - Opal Cicada
623 - 026F - Screeching Cicada
624 - 0270 - Chattering Cicada
625 - 0271 - Singing Cicada
626 - 0272 - Sitting Cicada
627 - 0273 - Evening Cicada
628 - 0274 - Bear Cicada
629 - 0275 - Rhinoceros Beetle
630 - 0276 - Pincer Beetle
631 - 0277 - Big Pincer Beetle
632 - 0278 - Atlas Beetle
633 - 0279 - Elephant Beetle
634 - 027A - Stag Beetle
635 - 027B - Anubis Beetle
636 - 027C - Hercules Beetle
637 - 027D - White Beetle
638 - 027E - White Morn Beetle
639 - 027F - White Hill Beetle
640 - 0280 - White Giant Beetle
641 - 0281 - Red Dragonfly
642 - 0282 - Risi Dragonfly
643 - 0283 - Sunrise Dragonfly
644 - 0284 - Amber Dragonfly
645 - 0285 - Crimson Dragonfly
646 - 0286 - Blue Dragonfly
647 - 0287 - Common Skimmer
648 - 0288 - Azure Dragonfly
649 - 0289 - Cobalt Dragonfly
650 - 028A - Ancient Dragonfly
651 - 028B - Yellow Damselfly
652 - 028C - Golden Dragonfly
653 - 028D - Pacific Dragonfly
654 - 028E - Aegis Dragonfly
655 - 028F - Emperor Dragonfly
656 - 0290 - Japanese Firefly
657 - 0291 - Black Firefly
658 - 0292 - Candle Firefly
659 - 0293 - Lantern Firefly
660 - 0294 - Pacific Firefly
661 - 0295 - Cabbage Firefly
662 - 0296 - Yellow Firefly
663 - 0297 - Mustache Firefly
664 - 0298 - Princess Firefly
665 - 0299 - Spotted Firefly
666 - 029A - Summer Firefly
667 - 029B - Emperor Firefly
668 - 029C - Tree Frog
669 - 029D - White-lipped Frog
670 - 029E - Red-eyed Tree Frog
671 - 029F - White's Tree Frog
672 - 02A0 - Spotted Pond Frog
673 - 02A1 - Small White
674 - 02A2 - Scarce Large Blue
675 - 02A3 - Nymph Butterfly
676 - 02A4 - White Swallowtail
677 - 02A5 - White Morpho
678 - 02A6 - Swallowtail
679 - 02A7 - Pale Cloud Yellow
680 - 02A8 - Comma Butterfly
681 - 02A9 - Ringed Butterfly
682 - 02AA - Oki Butterfly
683 - 02AB - Purple Emperor
684 - 02AC - Miyama Swallowtail
685 - 02AD - Purple Brush-foot
686 - 02AE - Velvet Brush-foot
687 - 02AF - Helena Morpho
688 - 02B0 - Longheaded Locust
689 - 02B1 - Piggyback Locust
690 - 02B2 - Kobane Grasshopper
691 - 02B3 - Kutsuwa Katydid
692 - 02B4 - Migratory Locust
693 - 02B5 - Cricket
694 - 02B6 - Spotted Locust
695 - 02B7 - Dirt Grasshopper
696 - 02B8 - Hira Grasshopper
697 - 02B9 - Emma Field Cricket
698 - 02BA - Spiked Locust
699 - 02BB - Eastern Locust
700 - 02BC - Cornered Cricket
701 - 02BD - Ant Hill Cricket
702 - 02BE - Dummy 93
703 - 02BF - Dummy 94
704 - 02C0 - Dummy 95
705 - 02C1 - Dummy 96
706 - 02C2 - Dummy 97
707 - 02C3 - Fish Bones
708 - 02C4 - Old Boot
709 - 02C5 - Old Ball
710 - 02C6 - Fish Fossil
711 - 02C7 - Legendary Treasure
712 - 02C8 - Letter in a bottle
713 - 02C9 - Sweetfish
714 - 02CA - Small Sweetfish
715 - 02CB - Large Sweetfish
716 - 02CC - Char
717 - 02CD - Small Char
718 - 02CE - Large Char
719 - 02CF - Eel
720 - 02D0 - Small Eel
721 - 02D1 - Large Eel
722 - 02D2 - Carp
723 - 02D3 - Small Carp
724 - 02D4 - Salmon
725 - 02D5 - Small Salmon
726 - 02D6 - Special Salmon
727 - 02D7 - Shishamo
728 - 02D8 - Small Shishamo
729 - 02D9 - Special Shishamo
730 - 02DA - Icefish
731 - 02DB - Small Icefish
732 - 02DC - Large Icefish
733 - 02DD - Sea Bass
734 - 02DE - Small Sea Bass
735 - 02DF - Large Sea Bass
736 - 02E0 - Loach
737 - 02E1 - Small Loach
738 - 02E2 - Large Loach
739 - 02E3 - Goby
740 - 02E4 - Small Goby
741 - 02E5 - Large Goby
742 - 02E6 - Funa
743 - 02E7 - Small Funa
744 - 02E8 - Large Funa
745 - 02E9 - Black Bass
746 - 02EA - Small Black Bass
747 - 02EB - Large Black Bass
748 - 02EC - Bluegill
749 - 02ED - Small Bluegill
750 - 02EE - Large Bluegill
751 - 02EF - Trout
752 - 02F0 - Small Trout
753 - 02F1 - Large Trout
754 - 02F2 - Killifish
755 - 02F3 - Small Killifish
756 - 02F4 - Large Killifish
757 - 02F5 - Masu Salmon
758 - 02F6 - Small Masu Salmon
759 - 02F7 - Large Masu Salmon
760 - 02F8 - Blotch Snakehead
761 - 02F9 - Small Snakehead
762 - 02FA - Large Snakehead
763 - 02FB - Smelt
764 - 02FC - Small Smelt
765 - 02FD - Large Smelt
766 - 02FE - Blue Crab
767 - 02FF - Crab
768 - 0300 - Small Crab
769 - 0301 - Small Blue Crab
770 - 0302 - Bonito
771 - 0303 - Tuna
772 - 0304 - Ocean Sunfish
773 - 0305 - Dogfish Shark
774 - 0306 - Moray Eel
775 - 0307 - Mackarel
776 - 0308 - Flounder
777 - 0309 - Giant Huchen
778 - 030A - Giant Salamander
779 - 030B - Dragon Carp
780 - 030C - Giant Catfish
781 - 030D - Snapping Turtle
782 - 030E - Dummy 98
783 - 030F - Dummy 99
784 - 0310 - Dummy 100
785 - 0311 - Dummy 101
786 - 0312 - Dummy 102
787 - 0313 - Spring Sun
788 - 0314 - Summer Sun
789 - 0315 - Fall Sun
790 - 0316 - Winter Sun
791 - 0317 - Red Wonderful
792 - 0318 - Orange Wonderful
793 - 0319 - Yellow Wonderful
794 - 031A - Green Wonderful
795 - 031B - Blue Wonderful
796 - 031C - Purple Wonderful
797 - 031D - Magic Water
798 - 031E - Dog Bone
799 - 031F - Cat Bell
800 - 0320 - Animal Medicine
801 - 0321 - Chicken Feed
802 - 0322 - Treat
803 - 0323 - Vegetable Treat
804 - 0324 - Grain Treat
805 - 0325 - Nutra Treat
806 - 0326 - Pet Food
807 - 0327 - Owl Food
808 - 0328 - Horse Treat
809 - 0329 - Fish Food
810 - 032A - Pot
811 - 032B - Frying Pan
812 - 032C - Spice Rack
813 - 032D - Dummy 103
814 - 032E - Dummy 104
815 - 032F - Dummy 105
816 - 0330 - Dummy 106
817 - 0331 - Dummy 107
818 - 0332 - Dummy 108
819 - 0333 - Dummy 109
820 - 0334 - Dummy 110
821 - 0335 - Hoe
822 - 0336 - Watering Can
823 - 0337 - Sickle
824 - 0338 - Axe
825 - 0339 - Hammer
826 - 033A - Milker
827 - 033B - Clippers
828 - 033C - Brush
829 - 033D - Bell
830 - 033E - Sthetoscope
831 - 033F - Fishing Rod
832 - 0340 - Master Rod
833 - 0341 - Snowboard
834 - 0342 - Skateboard
835 - 0343 - Blue Umbrella
836 - 0344 - Striped Umbrella
837 - 0345 - Ruby Red Umbrella
838 - 0346 - Indigo Umbrella
839 - 0347 - Dummy 111
840 - 0348 - Dummy 112
841 - 0349 - Dummy 113
842 - 034A - Dummy 114
843 - 034B - Dummy 115
844 - 034C - Turnip Seeds
845 - 034D - Potato Seeds
846 - 034E - Cabbage Seeds
847 - 034F - Cucumber Seeds
848 - 0350 - Asparagus Seeds
849 - 0351 - Strawberry Seeds
850 - 0352 - Tomato Seeds
851 - 0353 - Corn Seeds
852 - 0354 - Onion Seeds
853 - 0355 - Watermelon Seeds
854 - 0356 - Pineapple Seeds
855 - 0357 - Pumpkin Seeds
856 - 0358 - Radish Seeds
857 - 0359 - Eggplant Seeds
858 - 035A - Carrot Seeds
859 - 035B - Yam Seeds
860 - 035C - Green Pepper Seeds
861 - 035D - Spinach Seeds
862 - 035E - Daikon Seeds
863 - 035F - Bok Choy Seeds
864 - 0360 - Pink Rose Seeds
865 - 0361 - Marguerite Seeds
866 - 0362 - Carnation Seeds
867 - 0363 - Casablanca Seeds
868 - 0364 - Red Rose Seeds
869 - 0365 - Sunflower Seeds
870 - 0366 - Nadeshiko Seeds
871 - 0367 - Gerbera Seeds
872 - 0368 - White Rose Seeds
873 - 0369 - Snowdrop Seeds
874 - 036A - Gentian Seeds
875 - 036B - Blue Rose Seeds
876 - 036C - Wheat Seeds Seeds
877 - 036D - Rice Seedling Seeds
878 - 036E - Buckwheat Seeds
879 - 036F - Soybean Seeds
880 - 0370 - Coffe Tree Seeds
881 - 0371 - Cherry Tree Seeds
882 - 0372 - Peach Tree Seeds
883 - 0373 - Banana Tree Seeds
884 - 0374 - Grape Tree Seeds
885 - 0375 - Apple Tree Seeds
886 - 0376 - Mandarin Tree Seeds
887 - 0377 - Cocoa Tree Seeds
888 - 0378 - Tea Tree Seeds
889 - 0379 - Fertilizer
890 - 037A - Water Fertilizer
891 - 037B - Speed Fertilizer
892 - 037C - Bounty Fertilizer
893 - 037D - Last ( actual item name )
I’m not test it yet, get it from gbatemp. credits to Medusa and cheatb0t
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